August 14, 2013
In service
Corbin Auch and Zach Kotalik paint part ofa fence surrounding the men's and women's restrooms at the softball park in Menno Saturday morning, Aug. 10. The pair were working in conjunction with youth from several churches in the Menno community as part of a joint service day, where groups of local church youth performed acts of service around the community. While one group scraped and painted a buliding wall at the Menno Community Garden in preparation for a forthcoming mural by Mickey Harris, another pulled wallpaper and helped with other cosmetic projects at the Menno-Olivet Care Center. Auch and Kotalik were part of a group that moved around town, picking up odd jobs as they went along. For more images from the service project, see the print edition of the Aug. 14 issue of the Hutchinson Herald.
Corbin Auch and Zach Kotalik paint part ofa fence surrounding the men's and women's restrooms at the softball park in Menno Saturday morning, Aug. 10. The pair were working in conjunction with youth from several churches in the Menno community as part of a joint service day, where groups of local church youth performed acts of service around the community. While one group scraped and painted a buliding wall at the Menno Community Garden in preparation for a forthcoming mural by Mickey Harris, another pulled wallpaper and helped with other cosmetic projects at the Menno-Olivet Care Center. Auch and Kotalik were part of a group that moved around town, picking up odd jobs as they went along. For more images from the service project, see the print edition of the Aug. 14 issue of the Hutchinson Herald.