January 25, 2012 - MHS One-Act Play
Hunter Westendorf performs in the Menno High School production of Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit at the Menno City-School Auditorium Friday, Jan. 20.
Shiloh Rich addresses the judge during a scene from the one-act play recently put on by the MHS drama department Friday, Jan. 20.
Characters played by Kylee Kessler, Kristin Fischer and Emily Massey are questioned by the district prosecutor during a scene from Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit.
Alyssa Walter and Hannah Wollmann play two dwarfs in the MHS production of Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit.
Brittany Haberman, David Schelske and Erika Hauck perform at the Menno City-School Auditorium Friday afternoon, Jan. 20.
Parker Schultz answers questions from detectives in the MHS production of Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit.
James Oldenburg, Allie Zanter and Alex Ulmer provide sound effects and location and time information for the audience during the MHS production of Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit.