September 24, 2014 - Menno Pioneer Power Show

Myron Garrels, Sioux Falls, sets off the steam whistle at the steam building at the Menno Pioneer Power Show Saturday morning, Sept. 20. The whistle can be heard throughout the Pioneer Acres site and beyond, signaling the time and other events during the show.

Volunteers demonstrate the art of steam plowing at the Menno Pioneer Power Show Saturday morning, Sept. 20 at the Pioneer Acres site north of Menno. Steam plowing was one of many demonstrations of vintage farming methods on display over the weekend.

Vintage signs representing many brands of farm equipment could be found at the flea market Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20 and 21.

Oliver tractors and farm implements were one of the featured lines at the 2014 Menno Pioneer Power Show last weekend.

Willard Zeeb monitors the performance of a player piano at the Farm Emporium building during the Menno Pioneer Power Show Saturday afternoon, Sept. 20.

Volunteers man the plow during the steam plowing demonstration Saturday morning, Sept. 20 at the Menno Pioneer Power Show.

 Saw dust from the sawmill demonstration piles up in a bin outside the exhibit.

Children at the Menno Pioneer Power Show take a moment to visit the  old Walz  country school on the Pioneer Acres site north of Menno. The one-room school gives a representation of what it was like to attend classes in a much smaller environment than  what modern students are used to.  Items providing a window into the past included an American flag with 48 stars and a small pot-belly stove in the middle of the classroom that would be used to heat the building in the winter.

David Mensch takes a moment after the steam plowing demonstration to speak to another exhibitor at the Menno Pioneer Power Show in Menno Saturday morning, Sept. 20.

Visitors peruse the displays inside the ladies building at the Pioneer Acres site Saturday afternoon, Sept. 20. The building hosts a different display every year during the Menno Pioneer Power Show.

Bill Knutson, Centerville, drives his restored Oliver 88 at the Menno Pioneer Power Show Saturday, Sept. 20.

Zach Northway, proprietor of Col. Zach’s Ice Cream, prepares a large batch of ice cream to be sold straight or mixed into floats Sunday afternoon, Sept. 21. Northway has been coming to the Menno Pioneer Power Show since he was a young man accompanying his grandparents.

Dozens of vendors could be found in the flea market area, where visitors gathered to treasure hunt for everything from collectibles to household items. A number of vendors specialized in vintage farm equipment parts and marketing materials. Classic farm toys could also be found in abundance at the flea market area.

Burnie Inman, of Havre, Mont., talks with visitors Saturday afternoon as she stands in front of the 1913 20 horsepower Stickney engine restored by her husband Charlie. The piece was the featured stationary engine at the 2014 Menno Pioneer Power Show.

Carol Mettler drives the 1976 Cadillac Deville Saturday, Sept. 20 at the Menno Pioneer Power Show parade.

The antique tractor and automobile parade, held both Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20 and 21, featured equipment from throughout the 20th century.

Gasoline, kerosene and steam were among the methods of power on display at the Menno Pioneer Power Show at Pioneer Acres last weekend.

Rod Uttecht, Armour, demonstrates a dog-powered treadmill with the help of his 8-year-old Saint Bernard, Shadow, during the Menno Pioneer Power Show Sunday, Sept. 21. Uttecht purchased the device, which was hooked up to a small water pump last weekend, in Nebraska before setting out to restore the device to working condition. Shadow could also be seen pulling a small children’s wagon over the weekend.

Doyle Guthmiller drives his 1950 Oliver tractor in the antique tractor and car parade Saturday, Sept. 20 at the Menno Pioneer Power Show.

Wayne Schmidt, Monroe, demonstrates corn chopping for visitors at the Menno Pioneer Power Show Saturday morning, Sept. 20. Dozens of volunteers roamed the grounds during the weekend, bringing to life methods of farming that have not been used in over a generation. This year’s show featured Oliver Hart Parr Tractors, Cadillac automobiles and Stickney stationary engines.