Hot off the griddle
Jerome Hoff, Josh Hora and Don Fischer work the griddle in the kitchen of the United Methodist Church Wednesday morning, Feb. 1. The three were part of dozens of volunteers who converged on the church for Groundhog Day, a social and fundraising event held at the church for 57 years. Over 500 are estimated to have attended the all-day event to dine on pancakes and patty sausage. The event is sponsored by the men of United Methodist Church.

Over 500 people are estimated to have passed through the line at Groundhog Day at the United Methodist Church in Olivet Wednesday, Feb. 1. The all-day pancake and sausage meal has been a tradition at the church for 57 years.

Tim Fischer and Vic Bush, both of Olivet, hand out food and conversation to Alice Goeken and Eldora Baumiller, both of Scotland, at the annual Groundhog Day in Olivet.

Groundhog Day volunteers, from left to right, Don Fischer, Dale Hora, Josh Hora, Jerome Hoff and Vic Bush man separate stations in the United Methodist Church kitchen in Olivet Wednesday morning, Feb. 1.