September 14, 2011
Good vintage
Milo Hauck and Don Herrboldt, middle and right, talk with Larry Bezug, left, about his 1931 Model A Ford during the Menno Car Show Saturday evening, Sept. 10. The Model A was one of 59 entries in the annual event, which drew hundreds to Fifth Street in Menno. Bezug's Model A took second in the Ford contest category. The show is sponsored by the Menno Area Development Corporation. For a complete list of the winning entries from the contest, see the Sept. 14 print edition of the Hutchinson Herald.
Clarence Simonsen, of Menno, was one of hundreds of locals and visitors who attended the Menno Car Show Saturday evening, Sept. 10 on Fifth Street in Menno.
Jeff Liebl shows off an armored HumVee on display courtesy of the 153rd National Guard Unit in Parkston at the Menno Car Show Saturday, Sept. 10.
Julie Herrboldt assists with the voting during the Menno Car Show Saturday evening, Sept. 10. Prizes were awarded in several categories, including a people's choice award. Fifty-nine entries participated in the contest.
Curt Ulmer talks about his pulling tractor Sweet Pain on Fifth Street in Menno during the Menno Car Show Saturday, Sept. 10.
Locals and visitors gathered for a bit to eat at the Menno Heritage Museum during the Menno Car Show Saturday, Sept. 10.
Cars of various vintages were on display on both sides of Fifth Street in Menno Saturday, Sept. 10, including vehicles from the 1950s through the latest modern models.
A 1974 South Dakota license plate adorns the 1974 GMC pickup owned by Roland Rose of Alexandria, South Dakota. The truck was on display at the Menno Car Show Saturday, Sept. 10.
The 1931 Ford Model A owned by Larry Bezug was a popular attraction at the Menno Car Show Saturday, Sept. 10.
Live music by the Highway 50 Band, featuring Menno's Fred Sayler on drums, entertained the crowd following the awards ceremony.